Dunfermline Athletic

How to join

Details of what it costs to become a member of Scottish Craft Butchers 2025

Alan Kennedy, James Ewart Ltd

“Here`s one reason why I pay my annual subscription; I am useless with I.T.
Recently,I was trying to update my Allergen Charts. Whilst speaking to Bruce about this I told him how frustrating I find computers. "No problem Alan-just drop by the office and I will help you sort it all out " So off I went to Perth,spent a whole morning driving Bruce nuts but by lunchtime my issue was solved. If I had gone to an I.T.specialist I would have spent hundreds of pounds. Subscription justified in one morning, with a service you just can`t buy(granted it cost a couple of pies for Bruce`s lunch) Every year my subscription is easily justified-for just over £1 per day you just can`t beat it!”

Tom Courts, Tom Courts Quality Foods, Burntisland

“Our business has had membership of Scottish Craft Butchers for two generations stretching back to 1967. At a cost of only a few pounds per week, the value for money is exceptional. The monthly newsletter and regular member and regional meetings keep me abreast of trade developments and along with the WhatsApp Group, enable me to network with my peers in the trade. The product evaluations and competitions are not only fun, but they also encourage innovation and have often brought me success and more importantly, free advertising. The easy access to professional advice has been of great help to me and many of my fellow members in the past and is worth the membership fee alone. The staff in the SCB office in Perth are a great bunch, knowledgeable on every aspect of the trade, and always reply to queries very quickly.”

George Jarron, Scott Brothers, Dundee

“Scottish Craft Butchers have a wealth of knowledge available at the end of the phone, email or even a members WhatsApp group, which is only available to members. HR is a huge part of any business to manage and at Lindsays our employment law corporate member allows you to have access to free advice, providing you contact them before any action is taken, surely that alone is worth the £1odd per day it cost to be a member. Now is the time to stand together as 1 large body of like-minded people with the same objective. There is a reason why there are so many members verses non-members, whether it’s for the support from the head office for training, you need posters to promote your products or have a grievance with an EHO officer and you are needing advice or even someone to help fight your corner, we are here for you. Why don’t ask some of our members why they join year after year. The benefits do out weigh the costs, even if its just for the preferential rate from Payment Sense.”

If you would like to discuss further please
call Bruce McCall Tel: 01738 637472 or email: bruce@craftbutchers.co.uk


Ordinary and Associate Membership Fees

1 Shop £400 + + £80 VAT = £480
2 Shops £400 + £140 + £108 VAT = £648
3 Shops £400 + £280 + £136 VAT = £816
4 Shops £400 + £420 + £164 VAT = £984
5 Shops £400 + £560 + £192 VAT = £1152
6 Shops £400 + £700 + £220 VAT = £1320
7 Shops £400 + £840 + £248 VAT = £1488
8 Shops £400 + £980 + £276 VAT = £1656
9 Shops £400 + £1120 + £304 VAT = £1824
10 Shops £400 + £1260 + £332 VAT = £1992
11 Shops £400 + £1400 + £360 VAT = £2160
12 Shops £400 + £1540 + £388 VAT = £2328
13 Shops £400 + £1680 + £416 VAT = £2468
Local Association Fees

Lanarkshire £ 25.00

The above local associations wish to have monies collected as detailed above.


-------------------- ----------------------  -----------------------------

Annual Membership 2025 - Reference________________

Please return this slip along with your payment to Scottish Craft Butchers, 8 Needless Road, PERTH, PH2 0JW or
BACS payment to Scottish Craft Butchers
Account No.10023331 Sort Code: 83-47-00

Membership Fees £
Local Association Fees if applicable £
Total Remitted £


Email your completed application to bruce@craftbutchers.co.uk


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